Boot Fitting

Our BOOT FIT GUARANTEE provides you with after-sale fit support and all boot fitting services including free boot customization in the event you encounter a problem after you leave the store.

Boot Selection

Choosing the right ski boot from numerous options might seem daunting, but the process is straightforward. Once we assess your foot’s length, width, and instep, and discuss your skiing objectives, we can pinpoint 2-3 ideal choices for you. Here’s what we consider:

Type: Whether you’re into racing, touring, or recreational skiing.

Flex: The boot’s flexibility is rated by a number; the higher it is, the stiffer the boot. For instance, a flex rating of 130 is suited for experts.

Volume: The boot’s shape should align with your foot’s shape. Have wider feet? We’ll recommend a high-volume boot for you.


Comfort is Possible

At The Sacred Ride, we can customize both the shell and liner of your ski boot. Through techniques like heating (known as “punching”) and grinding, we can create additional space in areas such as the ankle, 5th or 1st metatarsal, and toes. This ensures enhanced comfort and a superior fit. These modifications are included in the price of the ski boot. Then, add a heater for enhanced comfort.

We know that no matter how long you wear the boots in our shop, you can’t really tell for sure if the boot fits perfectly until you ski with them so we have your back. Provided both you and our boot fitters agree that you’re in the right boot (it’s a team process)

Ski Socks and Lay the Foundation

Ski Socks: Often underestimated, the right ski sock is crucial for optimal boot fitting. Its primary roles are moisture control and cushioning. Opt for a blend of merino wool with elastane and a touch of compression to ensure your feet remain comfortable and dry while cranking our turns.

Footbeds: The footbed, or insole, is a pivotal element in the boot fitting process. It significantly enhanced blood circulation, arch support, alignment and stability.